Thursday, November 19, 2015

Technitium MAC Address Changer v6.0.7 Released

Technitium MAC Address Changer v6.0.7 is now available for direct download and via Automatic Update. You can download the latest version release from this direct download link or via this official torrent.

Technitium MAC Address Changer

The software will check for update automatically as per a fixed schedule. If you want the update before the automatic update triggers, just start the software, click on Help > Check For Software Updates menu to get it done instantly.

This update fixes following issues:

  • OUI file update from IEEE.ORG fixed by updating file parser due to changes in the published file format.
  • Fixes error handling while reading IPv4 information.
  • Fixes some UI components that were getting distorted for some users.

You can read help topics for getting answers to common queries.

For any queries or issues related to this release, just post a comment below. You can also send screenshots of the software to for feedback.


  1. Replies
    1. when i download it i get virus

    2. @Anonymous: This may be due to your computer/network already infected with virus. Download TMAC directly from the official website and make sure that your computer is disinfected using a good anti-virus with latest updates.

    3. when trying to open it shows "Run-time error 9:
      subscript out of range" please help

    4. i need help with this to

  2. Changing IP Address in Windows 10 triggers a deactivated digital entitlement or registration - Windows 10 deactivates itself. Tried it on 5 computers and they all deactivated within 5-10 minutes of being online and could not activate again until I restore an image.

    1. Is it really IP address or MAC address? Can you post some screenshots? Is the Windows licence OEM or retail?

  3. Hi! I've been using this for a while, and i recently switched to an All in One PC, and when i change my mac address for my wifi, it works fine. But the second time i change it, it just stops responding, forcing me to restart my computer. I'm on windows 10, Acer

    1. Try it again by unchecking the "automatically restart network connection to apply changes", and then manually disable and enable the wifi network adapter from network connections/device manager.

    2. The same issue here. I've tried your suggestion. But still no luck.
      By the time i can change the mac address, the description of new installed mac address is missing.

    3. @Chandra: Please email the screenshots so that I can get more details on the issue.

  4. are genius!!!! How can i contact you? I want to learn from you

    1. Thanks for the compliments. You can email me your queries at

    2. YOU ARE GENIUS MEN I LOVE YOU TNXXX SO MUCH IT4S MY MAIL i won becom your friend lol

    3. yes you are genius bro i won becom your friends lol tnxx pm me see you

  5. Hi I have problems when using the program I get an error

    1. Just email error description or screenshot at

  6. I cannot get this to install on windows7I accidently deleted it from when I had it before

    1. What error do you get when you run the setup again?

  7. Hi,

    After update of BIOS motherboard have been reset MAC adress of LAN adapter to zero's. Tried to change it in TMAC, but when I trying to do it it says "Failed to change MAC address". What I doing wrong?

  8. I have been using this system for some years but I got a new Laptop Window 8 and I am having a fail message

    " Fail to Change Mac Address.For Wireless Network Connections,Set the First Octet of Mac Address as '02' and Try again"

    I checked the the last box for '02' and also manually make the first 2 digit '02' but still give the same failed message.

    1. Just send a screenshot of the TMAC window to

  9. Error (1),Unknown errror,please reinstall the software
    I reinstall it many time,but not work
    how to fix this?

    1. This error is triggered only when TMAC.exe has been tampered/modified/corrupted. If you are getting same error even after reinstalling TMAC then there is a good chance of your PC being infected with a malware. Certain malware infect other software executable and in such case when TMAC.exe gets modified, TMAC will throw this error message and exit.

    2. so,this error can't fixed?

    3. Since the error keeps coming even after reinstall, it means something is modifying the TMAC.exe and you should get your PC checked for malware.

  10. excellent! excellent program. hands down. salutations sir

  11. I change mac, but then instantly get 'can't connect to network' error and cant get online. I go back to oringinal and I am back on. Any idea?

    1. Depends on your network type & configuration. Check what IP address you are getting.

  12. What do you mean? It is a wireless. I have tried multiple IP addresses, including merely changing a single number but I still cant get on. I have an intel and windows 7.

    1. Are you connecting to a access point which you have setup at home or are you directly accessing wifi provided by your ISP?

    2. I connect to the access point/ router the way I always do. As soon as I change mac, I get disconnected, I click on access and it waits a bit then says 'cant connect'; as soon as I switch back I connect again without clicking anything.

    3. Email screenshot of TMAC with the wifi adapter selected. Also take screenshot of the IP Address tab in TMAC. Send those screenshots to

  13. Just send a screenshot of the TMAC window to

  14. trouble

    1. Please post a screenshot of the main window after selecting network adapter.

  15. I can't use tmac command line on win10. I get the following error :

    'tmac' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.

    what do i need to do or what is the appropriate command to use this great app in command line mode.

    Thank you for your time

    1. You need to either use full path to the exe file or change directory to the directory in which the exe is installed. By default, the installation directory should be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Technitium\TMACv6.0".

    2. It worked thank you very much

  16. Is there going to be a protable version of this amazing tool ?

    1. Portable version is not planned for TMAC.

  17. hi Shreyas,

    is it possible to create this for nexus 6p android ?
    would be awesome

    thanks so much for this tool, you are very talented and awesome work on Technitium Bit Chat :) very nice product

    1. Thanks for the compliments :) On Android you can do it on a rooted device using busybox & terminal app and running ifconfig linux command. Just check out this link:

  18. hi Shreyas
    a very good program
    is there is a way to Donate to you?
    with paypal

    1. Thanks for the compliments. Donations are not being accepted anymore. Thanks for the gesture.

  19. Hey

    so when i open the program i get a run time error -2147024809 (80070057)
    any suggestions?

    1. It may be that some component needed by TMAC is not installed correctly. You can try steps given in this blog post to see if that fixes the issue.

  20. I have the same issue, is there a fix?

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. how can we manually update oui.txt sometimes it gives error when trying to update, where is this file located on computer (windows) so we can copy and paste from website and save to a file named oui.txt thenn copy to the directory to update previous file ?


    1. The oui.txt file is not used as-is. It is downloaded and converted into a binary formatted file oui.db which is stored in the location where TMAC is installed. There is no option to manually provide OUI.TXT but, you could setup local web server, add an entry to "hosts" file for and force the software to download it from your local web server.

  23. Shreyas: Are you aware that Windows 10 now offers a network setting for some wireless adapters "Random Hardware Address"? Also, when connected to a wireless network you can click on the name of the network in the Win 10 Network Settings and an additional option is presented where you can set the network to randomize hardware address every 24 hours for that network. This is not offered for all wi-fi adapters but it is offered for the Intel 7265 ac adapter in my Lenovo laptop. I noticed that this built-in feature always changes the 2nd digit of the first octet to either a 2, 6, A or E. Apparently Windows will not accepted any other hex number in that position.

    1. Yes, I am aware of the Windows 10 feature for wireless ethernet adapters. The 2nd digit of the first octet can be 2, 6, A or E due to the fact that when you converted it to binary, you will notice that the second bit is set, which notifies that the MAC address is locally administered.

    2. Hi,

      On my laptop (Win7) problem: MAC address is changed after every reboot. The reason is suing over the hardware problem. I tried to use TMAC, something to change the MAC address, it has been successfully changed, but after rebooting the laptop, he changed again. Perhaps with the help of TMAC solve my problem, is to establish a permanent MAC address?
      I send a screenshot of the TMAC window to

  24. source:AdapterInfo.Refresh error what should i do?

    1. Just email screenshots at

  25. The TMAC utility just worked fine yesterday and this very morning. Then after applying some automatic MS updates it is saying

    "Failed to change MAC Address. For Wireless Network Connections, set the first octet of MAC address as '02' and try again"

    I removed the latest updates for MS .NET Framework 4.6.1 (KB3205402) and Windows (KB3197869, KB3207752 and KB3210131).
    I uninstalled TMAC, restarted Windows 7 and reinstalled TMAC.

    Still I can't get my MAC address changed on the wify port.

    1. TMAC does not have any .NET dependency. The reason mostly could be that Windows Update installed new network adapter drivers. You can try installing older version that you may have with the drivers DVD.

  26. Hello I used to use the mac changer but ever since I reformat and tried to use it its not worked please can you help I have sent the screen shot

    1. Got your email. Please check the reply.

  27. why did i get error:(13)type mismatch

    I am using version 6.07 on Windows 7

    1. Just email screenshots at

  28. Lately I have noticed that when changing MAC address a few times during computer session (Windows 10), your latest version unexpectedly crashes during one of the latter changes. It first shows the regular "Changing MAC address..." message and then freezes. (Program not responding in the Windows dialog message). At this point two windows of the program exist: The regular one showing it is still trying to change an address, and the blank one which cannot be even focused on. The Ctrl+Alt+Delete or even reset do not work. The only fix is to completely shut down power and then restart the computer.

    1. The usual problem when TMAC gets stuck is with disabling/enabling the network adapter to apply the changes. It may be issue with driver or file corruption. You could try unchecking the "Automatically restart network connection to apply changes" and after changing the MAC address try enabling/disabling network adapter manually from Network Connections or Device Manager. It may happen that the network adapter gets stuck even when you try doing it manually.

  29. error on windows 7 problem is admin how to fix it

  30. Can i use it with batch script?

    1. Yes. Checkout the command line options from Help menu.

  31. Hi, I have used your program for about a year now and I have noticed when I reverted my MAC address back to my original, my original MAC address will not work anymore. However, if I were to change it using this program it would work. Is there a way for me to fix it without having to turn off my modem?

    1. Check out this blog post and make sure that your original MAC address is indeed the original and not due to TMAC getting confused:

  32. Wassup I'm in college and when u try to change my MAC address first it says "change first to 02" but when I do that I don't have internet connection even though it goes through. My first 2 digits of the original is "E4" I tried to see if maybe "E2" would work but same thing

  33. Are you still active to answer questions ?

  34. Ok so basically I'm in college so I guess my router is using wifi I have a laptop. When I try to change the mac Address versus says that it can't unless the first 2 are "02" but when I do it I end up not having internet connection even though it goes through. The first 2 original figures of my MAC address are "E4" I even tried to see if "E2" would work but same thing

    1. So, you are able to change MAC address of wifi adapter with 02 bit set. But, it seems that the access point/router is either not allowing MAC addresses with 02 bit or that the access point has your IP address mapped with the previous MAC address. You can try disabling & enabling the wifi network adapter and try to connect again. You may even try using "ipconfig /release" and "ipconfig /renew" commands in CMD (run CMD as administrator).

  35. hi. every time i change mac address. my connection is not working until i restart my pc. the connection just turning around. and no connection. please help.

    1. You should either disable & enable the network adapter or renew your IP address manually using "ipconfig /release" & "ipconfig /renew" commands (run in CMD as administrator). Once you get new IP address for the new MAC address, the internet connection should work properly.

    2. thanks for the reply. i already did that. but it change so slow. before, everytime i change the IP it change fast. why is it like that.

    3. It depends on the network like the type of router you have etc. IP lease renewal takes some time, there is nothing that can be done for it.

  36. Hello how to fix this error
    An Exception occured as described below:
    Source: TMACv6
    Error: (1) Unknown Error, Please, Reinstall This Program
    Before on my pc work perfect now like this how to fix it

    1. There is a high probability that your computer is infected with virus. When a virus infects TMAC.exe file, TMAC will throw this error. There is a file integrity check mechanism in TMAC.exe which will generate this error. You should first try to reinstall the software and see if it works. After reinstallation if you get the same error then you should seek help from professional computer repairer and get your computer disinfected.

  37. Hi I've been trying to use TMAC and it worked like a charm the first time, then the 2nd time when I try to change the MAC address it just freezes the program and disable my network, have to do a hard shutdown because it won't let me restart or shutdown regularly (stuck, won't progress further).

    1. Just email screenshots at

  38. Hi I sent an email regarding my windows crashing whenever I try to change the MAC address, not sure if it has something to do with my dualbooting both OS X and Windows 8 on my mac.

  39. please sir,,,, give me toturial about change set octet as 02 . i'm search anywhere no solution for this. Help me ......

  40. Hi, first of all I wanted to thank you for your fantastic program,i have successfully changed the ethernet mac and wireless lan adapter wifi; but on the contrary I could not change the wireless LAN adapter connection local area(devide: Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual Adapter)because a message appears on your program that indicates that MAC cant be changed, even with 02 on first octet. On the program it appear like original MAC and the new MAC like inactive on network connection details.It is possible to change this device with your program?
    Is it necessary to change it, since the other adapters have been changed successfully?
    I have also tried to change the mac with the use box 02 marked.
    A greeting and Thanks forward.


    1. You can change MAC Address only for Wired Ethernet and WiFi network adapters. The adapter you mentioned, Microsoft WiFi Direct Virtual Adapter is a software adapter which uses the MAC address of your WiFi network adapter to function. This virtual adapter is used in Windows for creating HotSpot/Access Point.

  41. Hello guys I cant install because I get a windows saying Tag Data Monitor Tool, Insert the 'Tag data Monitor Tool' disk and click Ok. I can't find that .msi on internet please help me

    1. There is no such thing called "Tag Data Monitor Tool" in TMAC setup. TMAC setup doesnt use .msi file. If you need more help send screenshots to

    2. Saluton amiko, mi havas antaŭparolon kun la tmac. Mi pasos ekrankapton al via poŝto por helpi min

  42. My laptop shutdown and will not boot says boot file unavailable had to reinstall Windows after changing my Mac any feedback would be great

    1. Its not related to changing MAC address. Possibly, your Windows system files are corrupt and changing MAC address triggered the crash. Repairing or reinstalling windows will fix the issues.

      Also you should do check disk (using chkdsk command) and see if there are any bad sectors on the hard drive. In such case, get the hard drive replaces.

  43. Are you guys still around?
    I've been trying to download your program for awhile now, but It's not working out. :(
    Every time I try it makes me click a ton of 'Ignore' and 'OK' buttons, because I keep getting countless errors.
    And in the end It gives me this::

    Technitium Installer v4.4

    ERROR! And Error was encountered while installation process
    as described below.

    Error Number: 75
    Description: Path/File access error
    Click OK to cancel installation

    I'm not sure what's going on here, I'd had this program before, but my laptop froze and had to be factory reset. Please help me out if you can! <3

    1. The errors you described indicate that you dont have administrator account on the computer or you didnt run the setup as admin. Just to be sure, right click on the setup and click the run as administrator option.

  44. Hi, i tried to install the program but i keep on geeting erroes that i cant install this program, and an option of ignore or abort, like this "error could not extract file to target install location, you may click ignore, i am the administrator user please help thanks

    1. The errors you described indicate that you dont have administrator account on the computer or you didnt run the setup as admin. Just to be sure, right click on the setup and click the run as administrator option.

  45. Hi, I emailed and error problem with screenshots at your e-mail.
    Hope you can help me.

    Thank you.

  46. please help it says cannot extract file to destined location or somthing like that and if i ignore it it says error and asks me to quit what do i do

    1. The errors you described indicate that you dont have administrator account on the computer or you didnt run the setup as admin. Just to be sure, right click on the setup and click the run as administrator option.

  47. please help it inst instlling says cannot extract file to destined location please help.

    1. The errors you described indicate that you dont have administrator account on the computer or you didnt run the setup as admin. Just to be sure, right click on the setup and click the run as administrator option.

  48. It changes the MAC. Terrific! Thanks!
    But on my Win7, SP1, 64-bit wired desktop, it shows my LAN device as "Realtec PCIe GBE Family Controller" and under "Original MAC Address", it says "Unknown Vendor". WHY is that an "unknown vendor"? I sent you an image. Thanks.

    1. Check your email for reply.

    2. me too it says that can you send me the reply plz

    3. its

  49. I've seen that Windows 10 now supports socket programming with their linux WLS bash interface, at least in its latest preview edition. Was curious whether TMAC had explored using that to bypass the Windows restrictions?

    1. I have not checked this with the new Linux Subsystem for Windows 10. The restriction is not due to windows but the device drivers. My older laptop gives no issue with changing WiFi mac address. Will give it a try with bash and confirm.

  50. I've installed your program and I can't use the feature "Random hardware addresses" of my windows 10 in WiFi setting page. It shown the message *Some setting are hidden or managed by your organization.Then I uninstall your program and restarted, but still not working.

    1. Windows 10 feature to change MAC address randomly has nothing to do with TMAC. TMAC is independent software that you can use to change MAC address if you have administrator level access on the computer.

  51. How do I change my IP address via this program?

    1. Just right click on the IP address list and you will see options menu.

  52. How do I change my IP address via this program?

  53. How do I change my IP address via this program?

  54. How can i change my MAC Address every X minutes?

    1. You can use Task Scheduler and use TMAC command line options to do it. Its not recommended though since changing MAC address disconnects network and thus may affect any application that is using network.

    2. Thanks for replying.
      Can you show me how to do it?

    3. Edit: the command tmac -n connection_name -r02 doesn't changes the MAC Address

    4. The command runs successful with no error but doesn't effects something.

  55. last night i got my windows update later on this app is not working it show 09 subscript out of range pls help

  56. About how many Address do you have in the "random mac address" option?

  57. How many random mac addreses r there In the Random Box selection, or about?
    a fst reply would be nice

    1. Total Vendors in the IEEE OUI list multiplied by 2 to the power 24. I don't have total vendor count right now since the list keeps on updating. Practically, the random number generator algorithm used in TMAC is not really a good random generator so combinations would be much less than the theoretical value.

    2. Thank you so much for your fast reply, I really appreciate it!

    3. Would u suppose that there is more than 300 Mac address in the random mac address changer?
      tysm :) (also ur program is amazing)

    4. Definitely much more than 300 random address for sure. Thanks for the compliments :)

  58. You might not know the answer to this question but the question that I have is How many Mac address can I be able to ban/Pause till I reached my limit of bans/Pauses of Mac address (Using Xfinity)

  59. if I change my mac address then restore it will I be able to reuse that address again?

  60. Hello, would it be possible to publish a portable version?

    1. TMAC is currently not in active development so this wont be possible.

    2. hai using latest windows build 18362 and update released in may

      but getting subscript out of range error please help

  61. Hi. I use win64 and after instal, double click, soft run and after 5 sek crashed. Help plz

  62. Hi,
    I am new. Can I use this application to spoof my WIFI as it is from a certain Country, like Australia?

    1. You can spoof MAC address to anything you wish. Except if your WiFi drivers require first octet to have 02 bit set.

  63. i am getting issue runtime error subscript out of range..plx fix it

  64. After changing the mac address the mobile hotspot in windows 10 is turning on but devices ar e not connecting to it.
    Can you help me with that?

  65. Hi, I been using TMAC for years...and love it! Recently when I either try to run the application OR install again, the 'Windows Installer' dialogue box pops up with the message "Preparing to install..." but hangs and never goes beyond that point. I haven't been able to use TMAC since...any ideas why this is happening? How do I resolve?

    1. I am not sure what it is since TMAC does not use Windows Installer. TMAC uses Technitium Installer which is an independent installer.

    2. Any ideas how I might try and resolve this?

    3. It could be some other software that uses windows installer that also installs one of the OCX components that TMAC installs. It may be trying to "fix" the installation of that specific software. I cant give any fix for this issue as it can be anything that you have locally installed.

  66. After changing the mac address the mobile hotspot in windows 10 is turning on but devices ar e not connecting to it.
    Can you help me with that?

  67. 'Failed to change Mac address. For wireless network connections, set the first octet of MAC address as '02' and try again'

    The first octet is 02. Got any ideas please?

    I'm using windows10

  68. Hi. I am using your software and I am having a little bit of a problem. When I hit the Random MAC Address button and Change Now button, it says the following below:

    'Failed to change Mac address. For wireless network connections, set the first octet of MAC address as '02' and try again'

    The first octet is 02. Got any ideas, please?


    1. Hello, I have a solution for this. I too ran into this issue because I've used the software in the past and had no problems like this originally. However, the fix is, if you are on a laptop or using wifi in general, you need to first Click on the Wifi Adapter from the list. It will be listed with a status of "Up Operational". when you click that first, then attempt to change the address, it will work. The error is happening because by default it is selecting a non-operational virtual adapter.

  69. cant download at installer error 6

  70. Hey LOVE this app i use it to get around wifi restrictions that my parents put on me. but im having a problem with my mobile hotspot on windows. it wont let my phone connect to it. any ideas on how to fix?

  71. Working perfectly on Intel WiFi 6 AX200, Windows 10 2004.
    Thank you! Windows and Intel won't give an option for custom made MAC :(

  72. When changing MAC Address i get BSOD

  73. i want to change wifi mac id but it says starting two digit as 02 but i want it as 40,

    1. Send a screenshot of TMAC windows which shows all details of the wifi network adapter to

  74. Hi i am having problem with my TMAC it says successfully changes mac address but it didnt change.
    Im using wireless internet for my computer.

    1. Send a screenshot of TMAC windows which shows all details of the wifi network adapter to

  75. How do you get the hotspot to work with a changed MAC address?

  76. Source:TMACv6
    Error:: (9) Subscription out of range


    1. This is due to a known bug in reading the data from registry when the data is in unexpected format. This will be fixed with a new version update when time permits.

    2. same here, when will the update be released?

  77. G'day, is there any way to have it constantly changing the address randomly in the background?

    1. You can do that by using Task Scheduler with a TMAC command that does it. Its not recommended to do that though since this action will disconnect you from internet every time it changes MAC address so your downloads will break.

  78. Dont work, still giving me error, please help:

    An exception occured as described below:
    Source: TMACv6
    Error: (9) Subscript out of range

  79. Hi Bro, I was told about your very lovely program, and i need to use it, but i have a problem. Each time i try to install it says, error couldn't extract file to location. I tried to install as administrator it keeps saying the samething. Please can you kindly help. Thank you

  80. Facing Error 9 Subscript out of range, any luck for this?

  81. The Network Connections List is empty. How can I fix this issue?

    1. There is no fix available for this issue. Only a new release that is planned will fix such issues. Release date is not yet known.

  82. how would I go about changing the mac address of the built in mobile hotspot in windows 10

    1. Try changing WiFi's MAC address and see if the hotspot MAC address also changes.

    2. I did change the wifi mac address and the mobile hotspot no longer works after doing that. I assume the solution would be to change the mobile hotspot mac to the same as what I changed the wifi mac address but I don't know how to do that.

  83. I am facing this issue when I click on change now button of you software MAC address changer.
    ERROR "Failed to change MAC Address. For wireless network connections, set the first octet of MAC address as '02 and try again."

    1. Send a screenshot of TMAC windows which shows all details of the wifi network adapter to

  84. When I connect to my wifi it works looks and acts just fine, but the wifi doesn't work and and I cannot connect to anything.

    1. Send a screenshot of TMAC windows which shows all details of the wifi network adapter to

  85. when i try to use the program its all empty and no connections come up or i get an error saying something about subscript

    1. There is no fix available for this issue. Only a new release that is planned will fix such issues. Release date is not yet known.

  86. After downloading, the computer detects that "TMACv6.0.7_Setup.exe" contains Trojan horse virus!

    1. This may be due to using a crappy antivirus software. Test the file on and check for yourself.

  87. An exception occured as described below:

    Source: TMACv6
    Error:(9) Subscript out of range.

    Please help me

  88. This App Works PErfectly fine
    My only problem is when I change my mac address
    I can search things up, but i cannot go on certain websites, or play videogames. Why is this?

    1. This has nothing to do with your MAC address since websites cannot know it. Try using incognito/private mode in your browser.

  89. Source: TMACv6
    Error:(9) Subscript out of range.

    Please help me

  90. I've changed the mac address but new address is inactive, even I disable/enable my network adapter it still remains unchange. Please help!!

    1. Send a screenshot of TMAC windows which shows all details of the network adapter to

  91. Can T MAC change Mac add FSMF devices connected via computer ?? thanks

    1. TMAC can change MAC address of only your computer's wired and WiFi Ethernet adapters.

  92. I don't see Windows Server OS supported beyond 2012R2. Has this version 6.07 been tested to work with Windows Server 2019?

    1. TMAC v6.0.7 works on all Windows versions (Windows 2000 and above).

    2. Thanks for the quick response!
