Saturday, December 21, 2013 Listed In Nmap's 'Icons of the Web' Project!

The Nmap Project released the 'Icons of the Web' project, which is a 5 gigapixel image containing favicon of popular websites (as ranked by Alexa).

I am happy to announce that is listed as a popular favicon in the 5 gigapixel image!

The icons are scaled in the image as per each site's monthly reach (popularity).You can have a look at the image here:

The project is an update to a similar project Nmap had performed in 2010. It was very popular and was mentioned in the New York Times and also got its place in Guinness Book of World Records.


  1. Just checked, the feature is working perfectly here.

  2. Great Software.
    Work Perfectly.
    Thank You Very Much....

  3. I used TMAC and successfully changed the MAC of my wifi but when i clicked the Restore Original button, the program froze and now my wifi card is completely unusable! I tried to Restore Original a few more times but it wont work. it just feezes. when i tried Restore Original with the box unchecked, it restored it to something but it was NOT my original MAC address.
    I have no idea how to fix this.

    1. Check out this post for restoring the correct original MAC address.
