Tuesday, January 8, 2013

TMAC Crosses 1 Million Downloads On Download.com

Technitium MAC Address Changer (TMAC) crossed 1 million downloads on C|NET Download.com this week!

TMAC 1 Million Downloads


  1. Hey, Shreyas. I am having problems changing the MAC address of my Dlink N 150 card from CLI with your (otherwise brilliant) program. Changing the MAC in the full GUI works fine.

    I run "tmac -n Wireless Network Connection 4 -r -re" (with tmac obviously in the dir I'm running it from). The success box appears, but the MAC never changes. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

  2. Ignore my last comment, I obviously need to make the first octet '02', don't I? Thus "tmac -n Wireless Network Connection 4 -r02 -re" should (and did!) do the trick. Teaches me for not reading that "why?" button ^^

    1. That's great! I was about to write a comment with same suggestion.

  3. it's convenient , but it's need three *.ocx,
    another , the secend letter is 2,6,a,E in MAC address, should be work good more than 02.

    1. All the dependencies like DLL and OCX are taken care by the installer so that user don't have to worry about it.

  4. *2**********, *A**********,*6**********,*E********** will work in windows7

    1. Its due to the fact that all the 4 options have the required bit set i.e. 0x02

      0x02 = 0000 0010
      0x0A = 0000 1010
      0x06 = 0000 0110
      0x0E = 0000 1110

  5. TMAC no longer parses OUI.TXT correctly. I think they changed the format a bit.

    1. I will check this issue and update it. Thanks for feedback.

    2. No problem. Thanks the the speedy reply. :)

  6. Error - Technitium MAC Address Change v6

    An exception occured as described below:

    Source: AdaperInfo.Refresh
    Error: (5) Access is denied.

  7. Make sure TMAC is running as administrator. Most of the times the issue is with UAC or restricted user privileges.

  8. Hi there!

    I read that for windows 8 you need the developers preview? So I'm assuming for ordinary users your wonderful application will not work until it's updated again?

    Regards & thanks for your work.


    1. TMAC works on all Windows 8 versions. The description on website was posted during the time Windows 8 Dev Preview was available and is not updated since.

      Anyways, thanks for the post, I will change the description on the website.

  9. i wanted to know if there is any way to donate money if we want to?
    I mean I'm pretty sure from the 1million+ users, a portion of us want to donate to you.
    You're amazing by the way, thanks.

    1. thanks for the compliments. the donation account is closed due to lot of credit card frauds. currently there is no option available for donation. anyways, thanks.

  10. You sir are a genius! Thank you for all your hard work! Just wondering if you will release a smartphone app (WP/iOS/Droid) any time soon?

    1. Thanks for the compliment. I have not thought about app, but will look at it.

  11. Shreyas,

    This program is awesome. I have used it so much on my home wifi network and it works flawlessly. Oddly enough I am having trouble with changing my mac address on a hardwired connection at work. No matter what I do I get "failed to change mac address. for wireless network connections, set the first octet of mac address to 02 and try again." I know changing the mac address for hard wired connections is supposed to be easier than wifi but for some reason it's the other way around for me. Any advice?

    1. Thanks for the compliments. Can you email me screenshot of TMAC with the wired network adapter selected?

  12. Shreyas,

    This was working great until I purchased and installed my Asus RT-AC66U wireless router. The router has a mac cloning feature but when I activate it, even though it takes the changed mac address your software has provided my pc, I lose internet connection when I apply the cloning. Any ideas as to why that may be occurring. I've searched with Google for anyone who may have run across this, but nothing's turned up.

    Thanks for the program. Hopefully, I can make it functional again and work through this router issue.

    1. Your question is a bit confusing. TMAC will change MAC address of your PC's network adapter and not that of your router. Both things are totally different. If you change MAC address of your router then you may not be able to access internet as your ISP allows only known devices to connect to their network.

  13. Hey, thanks for the feedback. There is a small bug in the update code. I will soon roll out an automatic update to fix this.

  14. Update to fix the issue is just uploaded. Check it out!

  15. I have used TMAC, but after changing the mac address, i can't change it back to my original address. Is there anyway to solve this problem?

    1. Now i have format my pc and installed and try agian but the original address has changed to other address

    2. The MAC address that you see after formatting PC is indeed your original MAC address.

    3. That day i used tmac changed the Mac address of the tethering between my smart phone and PC .Now when I plug in the phone for tethering ,my PC will become very lag.

    4. Any way to fix this problem?

    5. that problem is not related to changing mac address.
